Register and share to win with The Great Summer Escape!

Unlock an epic summer with The Great Summer Escape Competition! Register for a unique code, share it, and gift your friends 50% off Expo City Dubai attractions. The more tickets purchased with your code, the higher your chances of winning a family getaway! Register now!

Hero SC Bali

First Prize

The Explorer

8 exciting nights in Switzerland, Germany, and France for a family of four

  • Enjoy a luxurious vacation in Europe’s top destinations
  • This all-inclusive package includes flights, accommodation, and transportation
  • Explore historic sites, vibrant cities and stunning landscapes

Hero SC SoutAfrica

Second Prize

The Adventurer

8 exhilarating nights in South Africa for a family of four

  • Experience the adventure of a lifetime in South Africa’s stunning landscapes
  • This all-inclusive package includes flights, accommodation, and transportation
  • Discover amazing wildlife, stunning landscapes, and rich culture

Hero SC Bali-1

Third Prize

The Voyager

6 amazing nights in Singapore and Bali for a family of four

  • Embark on an exotic journey to Singapore and Bali
  • This all-inclusive package includes flights, accommodation, and transportation
  • Enjoy the vibrant city life of Singapore and the serene beauty of Bali

How to register

Sign Up

Register on our website to get your unique referral code for 50% off all Expo City Dubai attractions

Share your code

Share your unique code with friends and family

Earn points and win

With every ticket purchased using your unique code, you’ll earn points and get one step closer to a family trip of a lifetime!

Get your unique code and start earning points

Register now

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