Accessibility at Expo City Dubai
Expo City Dubai has built accessibility into its very fabric to ensure that people of determination – whether residents, working professionals, visitors, or employees – are fully supported

Dedicated accessible parking zones for people of determination are available in all parking areas, and in close proximity to attractions and working spaces.
Wheelchair accessible buggies are available free of charge for use across Expo City Dubai. Subject to availability.
Tickets are available free of charge for all people of determination.
Sunflower Lanyards (also known as ‘Hidden Disabilities Lanyards’) are available to people of determination to indicate to staff and volunteers that additional assistance or accessible entry may be required.
Wheelchairs are available for hire at all Visitor Centre 8 and at mobility hubs across the site.
Step-free access ensures wheelchair accessibility across the Public Realm, including key attractions such as Garden in the Sky and the Surreal water feature, as well as Terra Pavilion, Alif Pavilion, the Vision Pavilion and the three Stories of Nations exhibitions.
Electric wheelchair charging stations are available at Visitor Centre 2 & 7.
Dedicated areas are available for wheelchair users at event venues.
More than 150 evacuation chairs are available across the site to enable safe and quick evacuation in the event of an emergency.
A range of service counters and drinking fountains are at accessible heights.
Braille signage is available in key areas and attractions.
Braille is used to convey interesting information, for example, on the Sabeel water fountains, where braille explains the journey of water.
Tactile paving is installed in key areas to highlight potential hazards.
Hearing Induction Loops (also known as Hearing Enhancement Systems) are provided at Visitor Centre 8 and dedicated ticket counters, ensuring hearing aid users can enjoy audio experiences.
Alif and Terra are sensory rated by Sensory Access, with sensory rating cards providing information on sound, lighting, aroma, movement and temperature.
Download the sensory rating cards below:
Sensory rating card - Alif Pavilion
Sensory rating card - Terra Pavilion